Our Services
With considerable expertise in all aspects of the childcare sector, Linda Harley is able to offer buyers and sellers of childcare centres a knowledgeable and rewarding sales process.
The sale of your childcare centre may be the largest transaction you will ever make. It is important that the preparation and marketing will optimise the sale for you. Having a true professional on your side will make what can be a stressful process as smooth and rewarding as possible.
A robust discovery process while working with an owner to prepare the business for sale means we are able to provide accurate information to potential buyers thereby lessening the stress on sellers during the sales process.
Matching buyers to sellers to provide similar management styles assists both sellers and buyers through the transition process, one which can be quite emotional for long time business owners.
The services offered include:
Robust Market Appraisals to accurately reflect the recommended price range achievable for the business and/or freehold property.
Ongoing consultation until the business is “ready for market”.
Preparation of a detailed Information Memorandum ensuring accurate disclosure for buyers and their solicitors, financiers and accountants.
Extensive yet confidential marketing to attract the right buyer to match the management styles and financial capability.
Regular reporting providing up to the minute detail on progress being made and buyer feedback.
Confidentiality every step of the way.
Robust and Proven Negotiation capability to get your business sold!
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