This is a stand out, purpose built childcare business that is an ideal acquistion for an experienced operator to add to their existing Childcare Portfolio.
Offered for the first time since establishment this delightful childcare business will appeal to a range of buyers.
Whether you are a qualified teacher wanting to be a working owner, or a first time purchaser wanting a governance role, this business has alot to offer.
This well established childcare business, located on the Coromandel peninsular, has been offering a quality service for a number of years with rave reviews from their clients.
Located in one of the hottest property markets of the Bay of Plenty where residential homes are now averaging $1,500,000, this commercial investment offers an astute buyer long term security of value.
This Childcare business and property are available for the first time since establishment. The business has been developed with a strong focus on quality early childhood education and care for their clients which reflects throughout the centre.